Written by Sample Hubspot Author | Oct 27, 2022 8:56:00 AM

Fisikal, experts in digital management solutions, have fully integrated their software with Xero’s online accounting platform offering an intelligent and efficient method for operators, studios and personal trainers to streamline their workflows.

Rob Lander, CEO at Fisikal, comments:

"Our product development is driven by creating functionalities that will help take the operational pressure off our clients and simplify business processes, so they can focus their time doing what they do best, connecting with their customers, be that in person or virtually."

This new integration will also professionalise client service delivery, making it easier to manage payments, product purchases and bookings. If a new client or payment is added into the fisikal app, then it will automatically appear in that company’s Xero account. With a quick set-up, this process then delivers a forever automated solution.

“At just the click of a button, the entire process is taken care of for you.” Rob continues. “You don’t have to be overly tech-savvy or an accounting expert if you ensure that you incorporate the right digital business solutions. The right technology will manage the operational work for you, so that you can dedicate more time to growing your member base.”

This integration comes at an especially opportune time, as the government enforced the ‘Making Tax Digital’ policy from April 2019, whereby VAT-registered businesses had to record their various tax affairs digitally, using online accounting software or an app.

Business owners utilising the fisikal product will automatically become part of the fisikal ‘ecosystem’, benefiting from regular software updates and functionality development based on user needs, behaviours and demand.